What comes to your mind when you think of lemongrass? Popularly known as thai food with its citrus flavour, the flavoring is predominantly used to brighten up a bowl of curry or to add zest to a flavourful soup. It is also used in herbal teas. Apart from food, most people have no idea what lemongrass can really add to their daily routines. It can serve a very practical purpose in the hands of someone who has the right knowledge to tap into its many benefits.
Lemongrass is a herb with lemony scent. The culinary herb is produced from the stalk of the lemongrass plant. The plant is indigenous to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India.
Purchasing your first bottle of lemongrass essential oil will have you hooked on this powerful solution in just a few days. Most people use it to support their health, brighten their outlook, and detoxify their home.
One of the main components of lemongrass essential oil is citral, a compound found to act as an antimicrobial (a substance that destroys or suppresses the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi). Lemongrass essential oil also contains limonene, a compound shown to reduce inflammation and knock out bacteria in scientific research (1). Geranial – the monoterpene aldehyde – which is the primary constituent is known in perfumery for its intense lemon odour.
Find out how you can apply lemongrass essential oil in your daily life with these top tips for application.

Article Source
De souza M, Vieira A, Beserra F, Pellizzon C, Nóbrega R, Rozza A. Gastroprotective effect of limonene in rats: influence on oxidative stress, inflammation and gene expression. Phytomedicine. 2019;53:37-42. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2018.09.027